
The accessories and (spare) parts are sent by us within one working day from our central warehouse with a parcel service. As soon as a shipment is shipped you will receive a track and trace code with which the shipment can be tracked or a delivery date will be agreed upon with you.

Shipping rates and Delivery Times


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Something wrong?

Delayed delivery?

Our local fulfillment centers and our transport companies do everything in their power to meet the agreed delivery times. However, in some very busy periods in spring combined with national holidays, both production and delivery times can be delayed by a few days.

Transport damage, shortcomings or discrepancies

If you observe (transport) damage at the time of delivery, you should record this immediately on the transport manifest. Within 7 days after delivery, check the order for its completeness and assembly using the packing slip and the manual. If something is not correct, please let us know as soon as possible by e-mail: stating the order number.

Do you have any further questions about the delivery? Do not hesitate to contact our customer service.
